Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/06/06 16:19
Tony Marston wrote:
> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:heudnY0tgPFj7-jYnZ2dnUVZ_rCdnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>Tony Marston wrote:
>>>"Michael Fesser" <netizen@gmx.de> wrote in message
>>>>.oO(Jerry Stuckle)
>>>>>You notice how Tony refuses to answer your question?
>>>>>I'm wondering - does the term megalomaniac ring a bell? Or do you think
>>>>>it's just that he's beyond stoopid?
>>>>I don't know, but actually I don't really care at all. He has just
>>>>proven that any attempt to further discuss these things doesn't make
>>>>sense. He is always right, the rest of the world is wrong.
>>>I am not wrong. I have made two simple statements that you cannot
>>>(a) In PHP interfaces are not necessary.
>>>(b) Enapsulation does not mean that all variables must be declared
>>>private or protected.
>>>What's so difficult to understand about that?
>>You're wrong because:
>> (a) Interfaces, as defined in OO terms (which is what we were discussing,
>>and PHP is an OO language) are necessary.
> In PHP interfaces are NOT necessary.
>> They are how you interact with the object, and
> Wrong. You interact with an object by calling an object's method. The fact
> that a method may have an optional interface declaration has nothing to do
> with it.
And in OO terms that is the INTERFACE! But you don't know anything
about OO, that's obvious.
>> (b) Proper encapsulation means that all variables are defined as private,
> Wrong. Encapsulation simply means putting all the data for an object, and
> the operations which act upon that data, into a single class. There is no
> requirement to make all the data private, as there is no requirement to make
> any methods private.
Wrong again, Troll Tony.
>>because the way the data is stored (variable name, data type, etc.) is a
>>part of the implementation.
>>And on this every industry-recognized expert agree.
> Not everybody agrees with your description, industry expert or not. I
> certainly don't
But you've already shown you don't understand OO, have no idea what good
programming practices are, and are just plain stupid. So that doesn't
surprise me.
And you know what? I really don't give a damn if you agree or not. I
get my answers from industry-recognized experts such as Booch, Iverson
and Rumbaugh, not some wanna-be's blog.
Try reading what the REAL EXPERTS have to say. Then try taking a
college level course on OOAD. They will all say the same thing. YOU'RE
>> It's even how they teach it in all of the College courses. But of
>>course, they are all wrong, and only Troll Tony is right.
> I am right in the following:
> (a) In PHP interfaces are not necessary.
> (b) Encapsulation does not mean that all variables must be declared private
> or protected.
And your head is still up your ass. Stupid troll.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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