Posted by JDS on 10/01/94 11:19
On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 01:22:32 -0700, Jerry Manner wrote:
> Hi
> Is it possible to make the action part of the form tag more flexible?
> instead of a constant address ( as below)?
> <FORM action="ResultTable.htm" method="get">
> <p align="left">
> <input type="text" name="T1" size="50"><br> <input type="image"
> src="ELPic/Logo.gif" alt="submit" width="89"
> height="23">
> </FORM>
> I need this so that under a certain condition, while clicking the logo,
> the action is done to another address. Can the action attribute look like
> this ' <FORM action=X method="get">' and that the X variable is set
> somewhere else?
> Regards
Isn't it funny how very similar questions often seem to get asked in
groups? (See slightly earlier thread posted by "diablo")
In any case...
The answer to your question is "yes, but..."
yes, but you will have to use some sort of server-side scripting to do it.
ASP, PHP, ColdFusion, or similar. I am fairly certain that there is no
client-side solution for this problem.
JDS | jeffrey@go.away.com
| http://www.newtnotes.com
DJMBS | http://newtnotes.com/doctor-jeff-master-brainsurgeon/
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