Posted by Mike Smith on 02/02/05 13:32
> Code:
> print '<table width="545" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
> align="center"><tr>';
> print '<form action="test1.php" method="POST">';
> $i = 1;
> while ($i <= $tour_days) {
> print '<input type="hidden" name="tourdays" value="'.$tour_days.'">';
> print '<input type="hidden" name="tourid'.$i.'" value="'.$tour_id.'">';
> $days = ("Day 0".$i);
> print $days;
> print '<input type="hidden" name="dayno'.$i.'" value="'.$days.'">';
> print '</td>';
> print '<input type="text" name="fromto'.$i.'" size="50"></td>';
> print '<input type="text" name="bld'.$i.'" size="10"></td></tr>';
> print '<tr><td colspan="3">';
> print '<textarea name="descrip'.$i.'" rows="5" cols="80"
> wrap="virtual"></textarea></td></tr>';
> $i++;
> }
> print '</table>';
> print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit!\">\n</form>\n";
Change the field names to arrays (i.e. "tourid".$i becomes tourid[]
When you POST loop through the array:
$sql = "INSERT INTO reservations ('tourid'...) VALUES
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