Posted by "michal.720" on 10/02/15 11:19
I have another problem with "string as a template". I want to display a
tree - employees in company. I have an array with users, each user in
array has a "tree_level" (a number from 1 up).
There is one If, one Else If and one Else in my template. In each block
is the same smarty code
{$sub_users[su].name_first} {$sub_users[su].name_last}
and some markup - UL / LI tags.
I don't want to have the same code three times (open new level, same
level, close level).
What will you recommend me?
1] New block modifier
{$user.name_first} {$user.name_last}, ({$user.position})
And parse content of this block with new smarty resource - string or
2] New smarty plugin (template designers will not be able to modify it's
3] ....?
I didn't have any problems with resources like $_SESSION or strings.
Thanks for any advice
Monte Ohrt wrote:
> About the easiest way I've handled this is two templates:
> email_subject.tpl
> email_body.tpl
> then
> $subject = $smarty->fetch('email_subject.tpl');
> $body = $smarty->fetch('email_body.tpl');
> Yes, this requires one extra template, but it keeps the content
> controlled from templates and avoids all the extra
> capture/caching/resource hoopla that would be needed otherwise. Using
> separate templates also clearly defines the separation of
> subject/body, and is obvious to the template designer what each is for.
> Monte
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