Posted by Tom on 12/12/06 18:43
On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 20:03:42 -0800, Bosconian wrote...
>"Benjamin" <musiccomposition@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> Bosconian wrote:
>>> I need a way to validate the followng data with these restrictions:
>>> no leading and trailing white space
>>> no trailing comma
>>> double quoted numeric/alpha pairs
>>> each pair on a separate line
>>> For example:
>>> "1","Peter"
>>> "2","Paul"
>>> "3","Mary"
>>> Any help is appreciated.
>> A regular expression would be great here. Try this:
>> preg_match($data, "/^(\"\d+\",\"[A-Za-z]+\")+$/")
>I tested your pattern, but it only recognizes the first line. I tried
>(unsuccessfully) inserting a carriage return (\r) after the last quote:
>preg_match($data, "/^(\"\d+\",\"[A-Za-z]+\"\r)+$/")
>Any suggestions on how to make it work for multiple lines?
Maybe the extra "+" by the end of line characters "$" is creating a problem. You
already have one or more numbers defined in the first set of quotes and one or
more letters in the second set, so the "+" outside the parenthesis may not match
up and may not need the parenthesis at all. If the "\r" isn't recognized maybe a
"\n" would instead.
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