Posted by Rnt6872 on 12/13/06 17:47
Hello All,
I have a sql statement that I'm using to match records on. But i need
to use a substring to get the nuber that I need, and I have to use
several substrings to get the number since its embedded in other text.
Here's my sql:
use fto_ups
select distinct o.Shipper#, o.InvoiceDate, o.InvoiceNumber, o.ChgType,
o.Lading, o.BillTo, o.Name2, o.Address1, o.Address2, o.City, o.State,
o.ShipFromName1, o.ShipFromeName2, o.ShipFromAddress1,
o.ShipFromAddess2, o.ShipFromCity, o.ShipFromState, o.ShipFromZip,
o.PickupDate,o.PickUpRecord, o.TrackingNumber,
o.BOL, o.Reference2, o.ServiceType, o.ServiceZip, o.Zone, o.Weight,
o.PublishedCharge, o.IncentiveCredit, o.InsuredCharge, o.BilledCharge,
m.FRRDSSTrackingNbr,m.FRRDSSShipmentNbr, m.FRRDSSDivision,
m.FRRDSSDeptNbr, m.FRRDSSVendorNbr, m.FRRDSSChargeBackNbr,
m.FRRDSSShipmentCreateDate,m.[UPS Units],m.[UPS % Units to Total]
into dbo.tempOutBoundTable
from upsOutbound o left join msoutboundhistory m on right(o.bol,7) =
m.FRRDSSShipmentNbr and o.bol = m.FRRDSSShipmentNbr
How do I select the records using substring(o.bol,4,7) to add to the
above query? How do I inner join the records based on adding the
substring extracted o.bol?
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