Posted by Marko on 12/14/06 07:22
Erland Sommarskog schreef:
> Marko (nortel@planet.nl) writes:
> > I hope someone can help me; if got a value in a cell (040 1234567),
> > when I run a query
> > in the Analyser I got as respons only 40 1234567, so missing the zero
> > (0) not the whole number is displayed. When I run a query on a cell
> > with value 1234567 I received the number 1234567 and that's oke. The
> > Data Type of the Column is Char.
> Cell? Do you mean column value in a row? Or are you running a query
> against Excel?
> What exact query do you run?
> All I can say is that the leading zero should normally not be dropped
> for a character value, which this obviously is, there is a space in it.
> --
> Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel@sommarskog.se
Hello Erland,
It's a column value in a row, the query I run:
SELECT @Registernum=(
SELECT regnr FROM dbo.planningview
WHERE convert(CHAR(11),date ,106) = convert(CHAR(11),GETDATE(),106)
convert(CHAR(8),Starttime ,108) <= convert(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),108)
convert(CHAR(8),Stoptime ,108) >= convert(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),108) AND
groupName = 'Application' AND shortname = 'Helpdesk' AND deleted =0
if (@Registernum is null) Select @Registernum=0
select @Registernum
What I get is 401234567 instaed of 0401234567, so I am missing the 0
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