Posted by bill on 12/14/06 11:18
wim taerwe wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking for an easy way to have a delete button per subitem in 1
> form.
> For example : a book can have many authors and when I edit the book
> details I want to have a list of the authors each with a separate
> delete-submitbutton next to it. Now I have the problem that I cannot
> know which exact author I want to delete when I click the delete button
> next to it.
> I could name every delete button differently like
> "delete_author1","delete_author2",... but what is the easiest way to
> process this after the submit.
> Thanks in advance for your reactions,
> Wim Taerwe
If you want you can have multiple submit buttons, each indicating
a different author to delete.
eg: (copied from a form that has multiple submit buttons to
indicate disposition of the displayed provisional web page,
generated by php)
<form method="post" action="approve_or_not.php" >
// put page id in a hidden element
<input type="hidden" name="kennel_id "
value="<?php echo $_POST[kennel_id] ?>" />
<button type="submit" name="disposition" value="approve">
Approve and make this page active. </button>
<button type="submit" name="disposition" value="disapprove">
Disapprove and return to data entry page. </button>
<button type="submit" name="disposition" value="quit">
Save data and just quit. </button>
This will generate 3 buttons with the same name but different
values and captions.
In the receiving page I just look at the value of
$_POST[disposition] to take the appropriate action.
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