Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 12/14/06 22:05
Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> Scripsit Jonathan N. Little:
>>> PS: is it possible to align at the decimal point?
>> Not on INPUT elements, on table cells but I believe browser support it
>> spotty
> By the CSS 2.0 specification, you can use text-align: ".", and you could
> even use the display property to turn input elements into cells in CSS
> sense (i.e., as elements to be rendered as table cells). But string
> values for text-align haven't been implemented at all, and the drafts
> for CSS 2.1 (work in progress) have this feature removed.
> For table cells, there are somewhat contrived techniques to create the
> impression of aligning at the decimal point, and they work part of the
> time. I guess it would be possible to do something similar with input
> elements, using JavaScript to insert special space characters as needed,
> but it would not work reliably at all in any open environment.
I thought I had seen it somewhere but could not find it. Moot though,
because I haven't a browser that supports it.
For OP your best solution is to style for right alignment and make sure
your font is monospace "fix-width" and has a consistent number of
decimal digits.
Take care,
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