Posted by Oliver Marshall on 12/15/06 22:24
Im after a simple script to help sort my downloads.
Basically I have a downloads folder, and at the moment I have directory
browsing enabled so that i can download files.
What I want is to have a php script (index.php) that will parse the
files that it finds in downloads and create a nice page (using my
template and css). If it finds a directory in /downloads, then it
should create a 'group title' and all the files in that folder should
be grouped under that group title.
The important thing is that the ultimate links to the files themselves
need to clickable links to the files (ie, if you hover over the file
link the status bar shows blahblah.zip as the link), rather than to
another php file passing a variable (ie index.php?file=blah.zip). This
is because my server seems to stop downloads after 10mb unless the user
clicks on a file link.
Anyone know where I can get such a thing ?
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