Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/16/06 03:09
alice@fearofdolls.com wrote:
> I'm just starting to learn php, and here's the code from a book I'm
> reading -
> The time is
> <?php echo date(H:i:s');?>
> and the date is
> <?php echo date(j F Y');?>
> I typed it in an editor called Notepad++, FTP'd it using ASCII onto an
> ISP that I know has Apache/MySQL/PHP installed and working. But when I
> go to the URL http://www.fearofdolls.com/time.php I get the error Parse
> error: parse error, unexpected ':' in
> /home/fearofdo/public_html/time.php on line 2.
> What am I doing wrong?
> This is the second time this happened to me- my first test code had a
> similar problem, and that's when I switched to a non-MS notepad editor
> so it would save it correctly, but this time I can't figure out what's
> going wrong. It seems that php is very difficult to get to work.
The time is
<?php echo date('H:i:s');?>
and the date is
<?php echo date('j F Y');?>
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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