Posted by seaside on 12/22/06 16:52
Jørn Dahl-Stamnes schrieb:
> seaside wrote:
> >>>>
> > This means that for every child that opened a persistent connection
> > will have its own open persistent connection to the server. For
> > example, if you had 20 different child processes that ran a script that
> > made a persistent connection to your SQL server, you'd have 20
> > different connections to the SQL server, one from each child.
> > <<<
> >
> > Do you always connect using identical hostname, userid and password? If
> > not, you'll get new persistent connections too.
> Every php-script do include a common function that is used to establish the
> connection to the SQL server.
> I tried to change the wait_timeout under the [mysqld] section in the
> config-file for the SQL-server. It seemed to help on one server, but not on
> the production server.
The number of server should somehow correlate to the number of Apache
pocesses. How many worker processes does your production system create?
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