Posted by Ed Mullen on 12/23/06 01:35
dorayme wrote:
> In article <NZSdnQ-bIMnr4BHYnZ2dnUVZ_v2nnZ2d@comcast.com>,
> Ed Mullen <ed@edmullen.net> wrote:
>>> Ed, stop a second! I don't even presuppose this. But true that it
>>> can be prevalent or even very widespread in limited fields (take
>>> religion for instance...)
>> Err, well,ok. But, I kinda thought we were converging here. If not
>> linguistically, perhaps, at least, well, in some Web-like fashion.
> Yes, lets suppose a web-like agreement then... <g>
So, you have, like my father, web-footed toes?
And, like, my dog of many years ago, as well. He swam very well, in
lakes and seas. Well, once he got beyond the notion that water moved.
He was pretty shocked by that on first encounter with the oceans of
Earth, having only, there-to-fore, been acquainted with lakes and other
still bodies of water.
It occurs to me also that you might have an uncanny ability to detect
upcoming storms as our dog did. Do you have that extra-sensorial
ability? If so, you may want to contact the US Naval Observatory. They
may want to pay handsomely for such skills.
Ed Mullen
If a man stands in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no
woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
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