Posted by Jack Jackson on 10/20/53 11:19
I checked at http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.php and
all the user notes, and also the PEAR solution for uploading files and I
still have a couple of questions.
I need to create a form to allow users to upload (and later to delete)
MS word, excel and jpg files. Through your help I was able to validate
image files using getimagesize() and have made a nice script to upload
and rename images.
I cannot see a way to validate or examine Word or Excel files for
validity (and assume that older word files would validate differently
from newer ones).
The PEAR http upload script mentioned twice in the user notes at that
manual page does not *seem* to validate other than denying certain
extensions like php, php3, etc. I could be wrong of course.
Also, it seems that directories must be blown wide open (777) to allow
the script to copy the file over from /tmp. My ISP won't allow
directories to be set to 777 under public_html/ -- but we need to access
the files via web browser which is the whole point.
So my questions:
1. How do you validate Word and Excel files before upload?
2. How can I make a passthrough from a file above public_html to one
below it so that people can surf in with a browser and download files
which have been uploaded by the script?
Thanks in advance,
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