Posted by NC on 12/24/06 04:39
lawrence k wrote:
> I work mostly in PHP, but at the web design firm where I work
> we are thinking of switching to Ruby on Rails.
This is well and good, but have you (or anyone else, for that matter)
tested it in a production environment? This is not to start a flame
war; I am sincerely interested...
> Very comprehensive, but how does one figure out which ones
> are any good?
None. The best framework is no framework. Frameworks help
developers quickly and cost-effectively (with "cost" meaning
"development cost" rather than "total cost of ownership") develop
resource-hogging software, so they should be avoided in all
instances where performance and scalability are important.
In the same vein, if you absolutely have to have a framework,
you should consider implementing it as a PHP extension...
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