Posted by Gleep on 12/23/06 20:05
On Fri, 22 Dec 2006 13:00:03 -0800, "nostabo" <nostabo@microsoft.com> wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have been trying to display numbers (actually money amounts) on an HTML
>form in text type input boxes and then use the posted values in calculations
>using PHP. The problem is that I can accept inputted values from a text box
>when entered in the 1000 or 1000.00, but when a users adds a comma the value
>(for example 1,000.00) the value is displayed as 1.0 by the number_format
>function (see my code below)
><input type='text' id='software' name='software' value='<?php print
>number_format($_POST['software'], 2);?>' >
>But, this also affects any reposting of the form since the posted var takes
>on the value as displayed in the text box.
>Is there a way around this? This bad value eventually shows up in the
>"posted" var if the form is resent after the user makes a change, so it can
>screw up my calculations.
What you want to do here is separate out formatting from the content, run or save your calculation
then display it back with formatting.
function clear_currency($cca){
$ccb = array("$","," );
$ccc = str_replace($ccb, "",$cca );
return $ccc;
you get the submitted value of the form
$someAmount = clear_currency( $_POST['dollarAmount'] );
Note depending on your app you could also have some thing that removes the cents .00
by using substring command
list($dollars, $change) = split('.', $amount);
also sometimes people decide to be wise asses and type in crazy stuff when you are expecting a
number only that you could add this function...
function numberOnly($no){
$nno = ereg_replace ('[^0-9]+', '', $no);
return $nno;
So now you know how to filter out a currency to a regular number, now run your calc, then you need
to display it back you could use this
<?= "\$".number_format($number, 2, '.', '') ?>
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