Posted by J.O. Aho on 12/25/06 12:26
haggisbasher@nerdshack.com wrote:
> For the next few years (until present clients begin to pass away and
> new clients are qualified better when adding them) there is no real
> alternative to extracting all the records each Query.
> The extract Query I'm using is the simple -
> $TableName="clients";
> $Query="SELECT * FROM $TableName order by blah-blah";
> $Result=mysql_db_query ($DBName, $Query, $Link);
> while ($Row=mysql_fetch_array ($Result))
> {
> display each client's data in one line across the screen
> }
> I'm concerned that this may seem slow when handling the enlarged
> number of records. Is there any way to speed this up?
As you are displaying so much about each row and I hardly think you will
generate a page which has all the 10000 entries shown at the same time, using
LIMIT will speed it up a bit.
> Is MySQL up to the task, or do I need to investigate another RDMS?
A couple of years ago they made a big test on SQL servers, where each SQL
server developer was allowed to send a team to configure the server for best
result. At this point the MySQL4 wasn't more than at Alpha stage, but MySQL
choose to use it and took second place after Oracle, as Oracle had more features.
Google.com uses MySQL, so if they are happy with it, I guess your 10000 rows
of data won't be a match for MySQL.
> If we bought/rented a dedicated server, would that help more than a
> new RDMS?
Of course a dedicated server would increase the performance of the SQL server,
no matter if you use MySQL or the damn slow MSSQL, but remember that if you
have to run the queries over TCP, you will find slowdowns, specially if the
web server and sql server are located far away (long route for the packages to
be transported).
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