Posted by Erwin Moller on 12/27/06 10:11
ajh wrote:
> Using Ubuntu 5, Apache2 and PHP 4 I am trying display in a web browser
> the output from a program I wrote in C.
> Here is an abridged version of my code (I can post all of it later):
> <?php
> exec( "myProg -a paramA -b paramB", $output);
> print "<p>Returned: $return</p>";
You forgot $return in your above call. I expect you did strip your example
here. If not you would probably have received a notice about it.
(You DO have error_reporting on to the max, right? Check php.ini or make
sure you see all errors by calling ini_set() above your script.)
> foreach ( $output as $val ) {
> print "$val<br />";
> }
That should work.
It prints literally to the browser what the program returned.
However, this output could contain things like < starting a html-tag.
So if you actually want to see the output generated in a browser, try this:
foreach ( $output as $val ) {
echo htmlentities($val)."<br>";
If this wasn't the case, make sure you have error_reporting on, if that
doesn't help (= no errors/notices) come back here and please post more
Erwin Moller
> ?>
> The problem is that in the web browser only the first two lines of the
> $output appear when there should almost always more than that (usually
> around 10).
> I have done a test with php CLI using the same code as above: php -f
> mycode. The right/expected ouput comes out here.
> Any ideas how this different behaviour might be happening? Wondering if
> there is some default limit on the number of lines displayed by php in
> the browser... or if the actual lines are too long (but 100 chars isn't
> too much is it?). Thanks.
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