Posted by Lee Stewart on 10/06/61 11:19
"Daniel Tryba" <partmapsswen@invalid.tryba.nl> wrote:
> So if you are targetting the windows platform, why create a dll? Go for
> COM or .net stuff (http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.com.php)
That was the first attempt - for some reason the COM objects that I'm
accessing causes PHP5 to crash. I've been able to get the object loaded, but
only if I don't use the TLB file (using com_load_typelib() ). At that point
I can't access any of the methods of this object, since PHP can't resolve
them and tells me "Call to undefined method com::Open()". Calls to
com_load_typelib() on the object tells me "Unable to find typeinfo using the
parameters supplied".
I'm able to access a bunch of other COM servers, for some reason this one is
giving me fits. I'm running out of time...
Thanks for the quick reply,
LeeStewart @ gmail.com
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