Posted by J.O. Aho on 01/01/07 17:20
Geoff Berrow wrote:
> Message-ID: <r9OdnVl04t_fqwTYnZ2dnUVZ_sudnZ2d@adelphia.com> from Mr.
> Newt contained the following:
Please fix news client to remove everything including and after '-- ' thats
first and only on a line, or manually remove the text.
>>> $mode=$_POST['mode'];
>>> $name=$_POST['name'];
>>> $phone=$_POST['phone'];
>>> $email=$_POST['email'];
>>> $id=$_POST['id'];
>> Thanks guys. When I tried # 3 above, the error "Undefined index: mode"
>> popped up.
>> When I tried # 2, the error was "Undefined variable: mode." The remove
>> function worked though. =)
>> #1 same as # 2 (so I turned it back off).
With a too high error logging you can get such when you load the page the
first time, as then $_POST['mode'] won't have been sent to the script (same
applies the other values too).
> They should be $_GET not $_POST
from the code:
--- script ---
<form action=';
echo 'PHP_SELF';
Print '
--- eof ---
The method that the data is sent, should be post, of course the action and
method values should be double quoted, to get things work better in most
browsers, including the broken one that most people seems to use.
> try this:
> $mode=(isset($_GET['mode']))? $_GET['mode']) : "" ;
> (and similar for all the other variables)
> I suspect the error "Undefined variable: mode." is more to do with
> faults in the original script and error reporting set to E_ALL than your
> setup.
This code will retrieve the variables, and will check for php.ini settings and
consider if the php is an outdated version or those of the newer line.
if(!get_cfg_var("register_globals")) {
if (!empty($_GET)) {
} else if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS)) {
if (!empty($_POST)) {
} else if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
if (!empty($_COOKIE)) {
} else if (!empty($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS)) {
Good thing would be if OP would tell us which version of PHP he is using.
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