Posted by Kentor on 01/02/07 17:58
Alright thanks, how can I use the progress bar in PHP 5 ? :)
BlueNosE wrote:
> Kentor ëúá:
> > Hello, I'm looking for a script that will be javascript/php compatible
> > that will take existing images from a database and will allow
> > editing/removing/adding new images. If JS is on then it should show
> > images that you just uploaded using AJAX I guess and if JS is off, it
> > should be able to remove existing images and add new ones... a progress
> > bar would be really nice. If anybody knows of such a script or a
> > similar one please help :) thanks!
> well, if you want to edit images in PHP you may use GD.
> http://www.php.net/gd
> the progress bar - if you can edit your php ini folder, there is an
> extension to PHP 4 dot sumthing that allow the progress bar. else if
> youre using PHP 5 you can use the progress bar without the extension.
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