Posted by J.O. Aho on 01/02/07 08:35
Mr. Newt wrote:
> "Geoff Berrow" <> wrote in message
>> Message-ID: <> from Mr.
>> Newt contained the following:
>>> Thanks for the help guys. I'm sorry for wasting your time, but I'm going
>>> to
>>> find another script that hopefully works out of the box instead of trying
>>> to
>>> fix old stuff. It's definitely been a learning experience, so it hasn't
>>> all
>>> been a waste of time (on my part).
>> Why not write your own?
> I really don't know anything about PHP except what I picked up over the past
> 2 weekends during free time. I'm beginning to think I should get a PHP for
> dummies book.
> I found another address book script that pretty much worked out of the box.
> A couple error messages that were fixed with your suggestions for the
> previous address book (I guess there are a lot of outdated scripts out
> there). There's only one error message that I have no idea what to do about
> (I even googled it before coming back to you guys).
> PHP Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in
> E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\experiment\addressbook\edit.php on line 163
> (code posted below)
> Any ideas?
Don't know which line is your line 163, for me the line seems to only have
html code
So please mark which row is 163 (guessing you may have some new lines in the
top that you didn't copy).
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