Posted by IchBin on 01/02/07 18:50
Gary wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not a php coder, but a web designer who manages a co-located server
> remotely. The server runs an older Plesk 6 GUI for hosting domains
> which uses an older form of PHP (4.2.2). I'm not sure if this older
> version of PHP is an issue of the Plesk install or a root server issue
> that I can address seperately. The server is a Linux-based server, and
> I do have command-line access to the server root via a utility called
> "putty". I have never used it before; the closest thing I may have done
> is issue command-line directives in old dos-based computers.
> Can anyone advise me on how I would install PHP 5.2 on this server?
> ON THE php website, they offer "windows binaries". I am on a windows
> machine, but the server I manage remotely is Linux; are these binaries
> the ones I use?
> If anyone could point me to any help for this problem it would be much
> appreciated...
> Gary
I can not help on the Linux side but I do run php on a windows box. You
can not use the windows binaries. The target php to be installed or
upgraded is on the Linux box.
Thanks in Advance... http://ichbinquotations.awardspace.com
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA http://ichbin.9999mb.com
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)
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