Posted by geek7 on 01/03/07 16:43
Good deal, this will definately be what I need, one last question.
Currently I am using a POST session.. Is it much work to switch to
cookie based? I have actually never used cookies before. I greatly
appreciate your help. Thanks!
Rik wrote:
> geek7 wrote:
> > Thank you much for the replies. Question though, I would like to use
> > authentication since I already am using that for the site. I use a
> > php/mysql with session_start (not sure what that's called) as
> > authentication. However, I can't seem to figure out how to add this
> > to the php scripts I am calling since they are being called from a
> > javascript function (i suppose this would fall under the realm of
> > AJAX). Should the session variable still be available from these
> > addTicket.php, getTickets.php..ect? Thanks again!
> If you use a cookie based session, usually the cookie is sent with the
> javascript request, regardless wether it is set by js, by the server on a
> pagerequest or otherwise. You can just use the same code as you would use
> when serving the user a page.
> If you use a GET or POST based session you will have to make sure it is
> sent to the browser manually, in bulding the request (or the formfields or
> urls when you build the page).
> --
> Rik Wasmus
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