Posted by admin on 01/04/07 20:51
On Jan 4, 3:31 pm, Bergamot <berga...@visi.com> wrote:
> a...@daytonalink.com wrote:
> > Every
> > mainstream calendar that I know of has consistent row heights.Those are probably minimum heights, not absolute. An overflow condition
> in tables (i.e. more content than will fit in the specified space)
> automatically expands the cell height and/or width as needed. You'd need
> to manipulate the data server-side first, or client-side with JavaScript
> to change that behavior.
> > <table style="height:100px">
> > How would I get the the two rows to have the same heights without
> > assigning each of them a height?Unless the content is all graphics, setting the height in px units is
> not advised. For textual content, ems are a much better choice. And I
> suggest not setting a height on the whole table, especially if the
> number of rows is variable.
> If you put the rules in a stylesheet instead of inline, you can set all
> the cell heights with one descendant rule, plus it won't matter how many
> rows you have, they'll all be equal heights by default.
> <table class="calendar">
> table.calendar td { height: 5em; }
The em heights give the rows the same height but I need the calendar to
be flexible to fit the height of the user's browser. I already have
javascript in place that determines the browser height and sets the
table's accordingly. I just need that consistent height that em's
provide with the fluid-ness. Do you know how to do this?
> --
> Berg
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