Posted by rajbrown on 01/06/07 10:03
> So why did you choose background position to be bottom then...?
> Really, why?
> It is too big to be at the top and things to start seriously
> underneath it. Suggest you reduce the px dims of the jpg
> concerned.
> You need units for your numbers. 80 what? px probably, so write
> 80px.
> As for positioning the menu, honestly, first get rid of all the
> javascript and make a menu that is called for in this case, a
> simple inline list menu. Simp[le HTML and CSS - Google it up.
> Forget about the relative positioning. Keep it simple. Put up
> your logo as background image and note its natural height, set
> this height for the top margin of the next block element
> undereath and Bob will start being your uncle.
Hi, thanks for your response. Just playing around with different
backgrounds - that one is the top right hand quarter of a circular
image, so putting it at the bottom left seemed the obvious place for
it. Its only 27kb too but if I stick with it I'll reduce the size and
colours to make it more subtle.
Thanks for the menu tip - I didn't realise you could a decent menu
using html/css but I'll look into it and see what I can come up with.
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