Posted by Andrew on 01/09/07 10:27
On Tue, 09 Jan 2007 09:17:41 +0000, Toby Inkster wrote:
> Andrew wrote:
>> Are there any circumstances where I can put a <div> inside a <p> or is
>> this just part of using a Strict Doctype?
> Yes:
> <p><object><div>Foo</div></object></p>
> Also, APPLET and NOSCRIPT will work instead of OBJECT. Possibly IFRAME as
> well -- I'm too lazy to check. None of them will help you though. Really
> you need to replace your DIV element with an inline element such as SPAN.
Thanks, I was not aware of this. In this particular case (captions added
to images) I will stick to DIVs of fixed width floated right or
left with paragraph text wrapped around. Seems to work well enough on the
but I will file away the info on using SPAN for another day / situation.
>> BTW are there any Bluefish Editor users here? I have just moved to Linux
>> (Xubuntu 6.06) and discovered this great editor: helpful but not too
>> intrusive :-)
> If you like Bluefish, take a look at Screem. I prefer Nedit and SciTE
> though.
Thanks for that! Nedit and SciTE look a little too bare-bones for my
taste but I shall have a closer look at Screem. I notice that it has link
checking which would be a big help on the Genealogy site I am working on.
Thanks again,
The STRONG Family Web Site
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