Posted by Erwin Moller on 01/10/07 10:03
webhead74 wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having intermittent problems with queries from my php script to a
> postgresql database.
> I have a form where I can enter a search query - for instance a last
> name. This leads to a results page with a brief bit of information
> about each of the matching results. From there, I can click a link
> associated with any of the results which takes me to a page with all of
> the details. Pretty standard stuff.
> Problem I'm having is that for some of the results, when I click the
> link to go to the full details page, no information is returned by the
> script. I basically end up with my html template & no data populated.
> For the majority of items, things work just fine.
> One thing I've noticed is that it seems to be reproducable - that is,
> for example item 5123 always fails to return any results on the full
> details page.
>>From my Postgres box (windows 2003), I can run the exact same query as
> from my PHP script (with item id 5123) & it returns the data.
> So what could the problem possibly be?
> I thought that perhaps it was a load issue on the server - couldn't
> answer the query, but the fact that it's reproducible seems to nix that
> idea. Also, that Postgres box has 3.5 GB of RAM & we're talking about
> a test system at this point - I'm the only one using it.
> Code for my first search results page (basic info & hyperlinks) looks
> like this ($name_last is the variable passed from the search form):
> $connection=pg_connect("host= port=5432 dbname=db1
> user=dbuser password=password");
> $myresult = pg_exec($connection, "SELECT identification_no, name_last
> , name_first, name_middle FROM public.j_identification WHERE name_last
> ~*
> '$name_last'");
> The code for my detailed results page looks like this:
> $connection = pg_connect("host= port=5432 dbname=db1
> user=dbuser password=password");
> $myresult = pg_exec($connection, "SELECT * FROM
> public.archived_with_photos
> WHERE identification_no = '$id_no'");
> 'public.archived_with_photos' is a view defined on the postgresql
> server.
> I can run the query
> SELECT * FROM public.archived_with_photos WHERE identification_no =
> '5123';
> and it returns all of the associated data from the database... whereby
> the exact same query failed with the PHP script.
> Any help or ideas greatly appreciated!
I cannot imagine Postrgres will have problems with a certain
It must be something else.
Did you turn on ALL errorreporting?
And what does $myresult contain?
Also pg_exec is very old. Avoid it.
php.net doesn't even list it anymore...
Start using pg_query instead.
Erwin Moller
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