Posted by Mowe Z. Slowley on 01/11/07 01:54
BuZZard wrote:
> "Onideus Mad Hatter" <> wrote in message
>> In you do you have a variable, array variable?
>> Like I have an array called $line_1 all the way through $line_192
>> And so I want to have a while statement where I've got like:
>> $i = 1
>> $pos = 5
>> And then do it like $line_$i[$pos]
>> Cept it doesn't work. Neither does $line_[$i][$pos] or
>> $line_($i)[$pos] or $line_'$i[$pos]' or any of the other combinations
>> and variations I've tried.
>> In Actionscript everything has a kind of address and I can do it like:
>> 'line_'+i+'[pos]'
>> or
>> line_[i][pos]
>> But it won't work in PHP. Maybe it's just not possible in PHP? Or
>> maybe there's another way of creating like an array inside an array?
>> *confused*
> your such a dip shit .... blubber head.
> get a clue!
> You can create and use variable array variables if you weren't so dumn:
> ${"line_$i"}[$pos] = "some text";
> to make multi-dimensional...
> ${"line_$i"}[$pos] = array('one' => array(), 'two' => array());
> and another way.....
> ${"line_$i"}[$pos]['one'][0] = array();
> --
> BuZZard
don't bash the students.
bad form.
unless it was omh. I'm always for bashing omh.
but he's so full of himself he probably never asks anyone
for help. scared of getting bashed.
Stop WW3!!
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....Smokey the Bear
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