Posted by milanobybike on 01/11/07 15:29
> Your problem description is pretty useless without a URL, and posting the
> wrong code was just one indication of this.
After reading two replies, I understand that this is a problem that I
am having, which means that my code is not correct somewhere (otherwise
your replies would have been "Of course, with TD's and TH's you can't
do that!).. this is good enough a reply to me: I just wanted to know if
it's something that people is aware of or if it's my code's problem..
seems to be the latter..
> Actually, the use of 100px and 50px suggests that the page should be
> rewritten rather than polished a bit here and there.
Not quite.. I have a table containing data and I want one of the cells
to be 50px wide instead of 100px.
Oh, I forgot to write something very important: I'm in Italy and we all
know that here in Italy we're like 10 years behind the rest of the
world.. that's the reason why I HAVE TO use px instead of ems, % or
nothing at all.. one day we'll have the web like it's meant to be.. not
yet, though.. and it's a shame, but this is a different story..
Thank you very much!
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