Posted by al jones on 01/12/07 02:24
On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 13:25:50 +0100, John Hosking wrote:
> al jones wrote:
>> Nope, I've seen enough variationas and tried enough of the offered
>> solutions (which I appreciate since it let's me see different ways of
>> trying things) that maybe it's time to return to the original ...
>> Take a look at http://aljones.us/630817vad.html, with one exception, this
>> is what I'm striving to attain. The text is beside the associated image
>> (so the text for Aug 17 - 19 is to the right of the diary image for Aug
>> 17-19). The problem displays itself where the text is shorter than the
>> image and the next image floats itself to the right. You may have to open
>> up the browser to see this effect, if it's narrow enough, then the text
>> stretches and the images do fall correctly...)
> Good grief, I thought this thing was solved days ago. I couldn't
> understand why the thread kept going. I thought the tables idea was the
> *second* usable solution.
> Here's mine (from about four days ago, which I never posted since you
> seemed to have it all under control...):
> http://mypage.bluewin.ch/jlh/AlJonesPersonal.htm
> It's been so long now that I don't completely remember what I did. But I
> did make these notes about the #moststuff rules:
> padding: .5em; instead of 1% to eliminate horiz scroll;
> width:69%; not width: auto; for Opera and IE6;
> FLOAT:right; for Opera and, well, because it is.
> Maybe you'll tell me that you already tried this and you didn't like it,
> in which case, I'm sorry I missed that in the earlier back-and-forth. I
> *am* sure about the padding - scrollbar thing though. ;-)
And I'm absolutely certain that appreciate that omeone finally *really*
understood what it was I am trying to achieve (see my reffed page)
That portion works like a charm - doing what I expect (want) it to. ((I'm
really leary of saying 'I want ...' because someone will have to respond
with 'Stop wanting that ...'))
I still see some inconsistencies - but this will let me get on my way with
reformatting the rest of the diary entries - which was the whole reason
behind this exercise.
>> Apprecatively
>> //al
> A real sig separator is two dashes and a space, alone on one line.
That wasn't really a signature - it's just the way I close most of my
messages. As a TTY operator during *my* war, we normally signed our
messages with '//<initials>' and it just hangs over. ((So tell me it
shouldn't hang over .... :) ))
Thanks //al
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