Posted by Erwin Moller on 01/12/07 10:12
TMN wrote:
answer: Because it destroys the order of the conversation.
question: Why?
anser: Topposting
question: What is the most annoying thing on Usenet?
> Thanks - I should have include the statistics code:
> $file=$_GET['fileName'];
> echo "Requested File is: ".$file;
> include($file);
> The include works and finds 'displayIncidents.php' instead of trying
> to find 'displayIncidents.php&delete=true' - is this because I used
> urlencode ?
No, that is simply because your URL contains a few name-value pairs,
seperated by &.
You extract one of them, as you did, via $_GET["somename"].
The URLencoding only make sure that the value you are posting is valid for
passing around via url.
An example:
$url = "test.php";
// now add a few name/value pair without urlencode:
$name1 = "question";
$value1 = "How do I pass strange stuff around? (like this:&%#)";
$name2 = "username";
$value2 = "Jim Johnson";
$url .= "?$name1=$value1&$name2=$value2";
This will end up with the following url:
test.php?question=How do I pass strange stuff around? (like
this:&%#)&username=Jim Johnson
Which will surely fail.
$url = "test.php";
// now add a few name/value pair without urlencode:
$name1 = "question";
$value1 = "How do I pass strange stuff around? (like this:&%#)";
$name2 = "username";
$value2 = "Jim Johnson";
$url .= "?$name1=".urlencode($value1)."&$name2=".urlendode($value2);
This will end up with an url that replaced all naughty characters with
url-encoded characters tat are OK to use in an url.
Hope that helps.
Erwin Moller
> thanks
> Tim
> Erwin Moller wrote:
>> TMN wrote:
>> > Hi All
>> >
>> > I am new to PHP and I do not understand why the following works ??
>> >
>> > $file=urlencode("displayIncidents.php");
>> > echo "<a href=statistics.php?fileName=$file&delete=true>Delete
>> > Incident</a><br />";
>> >
>> > When this link is selected the statistics.php simply includes the file
>> > that passed to it - but why does it find the file and not try to load
>> > the literal 'fileName=$file&delete=true' (that obviously does not
>> > exist) ?
>> Hi,
>> We cannot say what statistics.php will do with the contents in the url
>> because you didn't show any code from that file.
>> But what you do here is simply creating an URL.
>> urlencode takes a string and transforms it to a form that can be passed
>> through a url, as you did.
>> Nothing more nothing less.
>> So what happens is:
>> 1) your variable $file contains 'displayIncidents.php'
>> 2) you echo:
>> <a href=statistics.php?fileName=$file&delete=true>Delete
>> Incident</a><br/>
>> where $file gets replaced by the value in $file, so you get:
>> <a href=statistics.php?fileName=displayIncidents.php&delete=true>
>> Delete Incident</a><br/>
>> This happens because you put a variablename into "", it gets replaced.
>> If you use '' this will not happen.
>> consider the following code:
>> $myvar = "John";
>> echo "Hi $myVar";
>> // will produce: Hi John
>> Regards,
>> Erwin Moller
>> >
>> > thanks
>> > Tim
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