Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/12/07 19:44
Ruben van Engelenburg wrote:
> lawrence k wrote:
>> I'm working at two different companies right now, and so I'm dealing
>> with 2 different servers, but I've been using this same class in all my
>> code. One one server I have to uncomment the line with stripslashes. On
>> the other server I need to leave it commented. Surely there is a way to
>> make this code work on all servers?
> Hi Lawrence,
> Just a guess: check your magic_quotes_gpc setting in php.ini. If it's
> set to on turn it off and just use stripslashes and addslashes.
> Ruben.
Yes, check your magic_quotes_gpc. But don't use addslashes on data to
be used in a MySQL query. Use mysql_real_escape_string() instead.
That's what it's for - and it is charset sensitive. addslashes() is not.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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