Posted by Heiko Richler on 01/13/07 07:23
Chuck Anderson wrote:
> It looks like some form of CAPTCHA is the best answer (using an image,
> or text questions). This is not an important contact form, so for now,
> I'm just going to kill messages with <a href or http:// in them.
How about showing the form again with a message like "Message was not
send: <a href or http:// not allowed"
> Is there a way to make a bot believe that the sending of the email has
> failed? Seems like that would be a deterrent if the spammer sees it is
> not working. Should I serve a server error? Can you do that with
> header()?
Try an Error message and do not send the message. This way people may
still send you Messages. All they have to be able to, is to read an
error message if there is one.
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