Posted by Rik on 01/17/07 00:09
Arthur Jacobs wrote:
> Thanks Rik,
> I will tell you what I did but it does not seemed to have helped. I
> added upload_tmp_dir = "/usr/tmp";
> to my php.ini file
> Then I restarted apache and tried to upload
> and when I try to upload I get the infamous: Error: 3
> Any more ideas I am all ears and eyes!
Does /usr/tmp exists?
Is /usr/tmp writable? What permissions do you have exactly?
Does the 'empty' file get uploaded to that location now?
And why does you php_info() still say "upload_tmp_dir no value no value"?
Have you edited /usr/local/etc/php.ini or another .ini file?
If that's all OK, what happens if you try to make a file with php itself in
/usr/tmp? Any errors?
And last but not least: what's the code you use?
Rik Wasmus
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