Posted by diablo on 06/25/05 21:24
ok i have kind of resolved this - or rather got a work around for it.
if i create a folder on my live site called TEST ( or the same name of my
virtiual folder on my local pc) then i can use
<!-- #include virtual="test/inc/links.asp" -->
in any place and it will always get the file.
and i can use
<a href="/test/foldA/foldAA.fb.asp">
and it will link from any place.
just a bummer that i have to have my site within a folder
"diablo" <> wrote in message
> hi
> all my pages have a menu of links on the left side.
> i want to use a include file <!--#include file="" --> to hold the menu but
> am having a problem
> here is my folder structure
> foldA
> ---foldb
> ------fb.asp
> inc
> ---links.asp
> page1.asp
> now in page1.asp i include the links.asp file.
> in links.asp there is a link like so
> <a href="../foldA/foldAA/fb.asp">foldB</a>
> now when i load page1.asp and click the link i get a file not found
> it is looking for the file at a place relative to page1.asp not to
> links.asp.
> is there a way i can do this? or do i need to put in the whole url for
> link in my links page?
> thanks
> D
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