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Posted by Max Grrl on 01/18/07 20:10

Max Grrl wrote:
> In article <>,
> The Secretary of HomIntern <YkR4N53909@WòéM.6Ró> wrote:
>> On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 18:04:47 +0000, Max Grrl k'lamed:
>>> Max Grrl wrote:
>>>> The Secretary of HomIntern wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 22:20:34 -0600, Max Grrl k'lamed:
>>>>>> The God of Odd Statements wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 15:55:02 -0600, Max Grrl did most oddly state:
>>>>>>>> The God of Odd Statements falsely wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Max Grrl wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> The God of Odd Statements wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> The God of Odd Statements wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 00:19:20 -0600, Max Grrl did most oddly
>>>>>>>>>>>> state:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Text Medium No. 5 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hail Eris! On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 18:12:59 -0600, Max Grrl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabbered inanely:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <CYbrh.2798$hi7.1274@trnddc08>, Text Medium No. 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mhm29x21@meow.flonk> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hoofprints wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Text Medium No. 5" wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hoofprints wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Text Medium No. 5" wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hoofprints wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Max Grrl wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Text Medium No. 5 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Max Grrl wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SameAsB4 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 03:52:56 GMT, "BuZZard" wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "jitter" wrote...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "jitter" wrote...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 01:54:35 GMT, "Mowe Z.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Slowley" wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't bash the students.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Buzzard isn't a teacher, Dumbass. He COPIED
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and PLAGIARIZED
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SOMEONE ELSE posted and then tried to take
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> credit for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rather
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blatantly stupid way. Let's see, how many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> websites does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Buzzard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have...hrmmm...oh yeah, NONE! LOL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bad form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unless it was omh. I'm always for bashing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> omh.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Obsesso.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but he's so full of himself he probably
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> never asks anyone for help. scared of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getting bashed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't really ever ask for help so much as I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ask for tips or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> often than not precise terminology. Since
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not "book
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> learned" I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have many of my own sayings for particular
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things, however if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interested in looking up information on how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to do something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> often
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stuck because I don't know what it's referred
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to book wise.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also often look for collaboration rather
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than step-wise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instruction.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not only does it help me but it also helps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> those who are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> collaborating
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with me about a particular design concept or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code form. This
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is reserved only for people WHO KNOW THE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FIELD. In BuZZ's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case he
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't know fuck all what he didn't slurp up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from someone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> else's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or some halfass Wiki sputter. In fact BuZZ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> knows *SO LITTLE*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> programming that fuckin Drippy looks like an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expert compared
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to his
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ability and experience.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nice foamage, fatso. Why so angry? Your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diaper leaking?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It might be.. but he gets like this when people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pick on him.. he is sucking his thumb right
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now.. crying.. it will be a few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before he
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gets
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> back to ya.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He's trying to ignore me, because I've been
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teasing him for days
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diapers and fatness and whatnot) and he can't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> take it anymore.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is being spanked.. he is doing his dirty
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deeds... his pussy moves..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> including.... posting comments about the link..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calling me fat... I declare him SPNAKED hard..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in one thread alone. bwahahahahahahahaha diaper
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit stain!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You know what I love about you Buzzy...the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nostalgia...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> f
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Heh...only lAHMers post like that. ^_^
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mad Hatter. I need a small favor.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm a pre-op tranny that doesn't have the all the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> money to pay for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> secks change operation. Inside I am all woman and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any sex that we have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wouldn't be gay.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since same sex marriage is allow in some places ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could someone marry me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and put me under your health insurance plan. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really need to get my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d1ck chopped off and reconstructed into a vagina.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can somebody help a poor old queen like me achieve
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my dream of becoming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a real woman. Thanks for any and all help provided
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would suggest that you commit suicide and hope for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reincarnation as Joan Rivers. : )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go take a long walk on a short pier, you ugly whore.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope you get gangbanged on the way home from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unemployment office.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is that you, Pamela? How's Wacko nowadays? : )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parading around as mommy seems to be her thing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parade this... whore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And your hubby divorced you because?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He told me he got herpes from you and couldn't sleep with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me anymore. You filthy man-stealing whore.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Herpes!! Now that is a new one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not for you. It's been about twelve years since you've had
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your first outbreeak. Whore!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yep, that'll serve her for using your toilet when she's in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fucking the man you can't keep satisfied, huh!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since you are so wrapped up in him, please make sure he
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gets a second opinion on his lip.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is in denial about what it is!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope he gives you AIDS, slut!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, from the size of your fat "Super-size it!" ass, you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure as hell don't have AIDs!! : )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He's a busy little Monkey, isn't he? Frogging me all over the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> place.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> WTF did you DO to the poor lil fucktard???? I mean, really . .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> . by the way he's whining and flailing with your nym, you must
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have, like, . . . killed his parents or something!!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Basically, I made fun of him and nominated him for multiple
>>>>>>>>>>>> awards, which made him flip out. Of course, that was after K-Man
>>>>>>>>>>>> set him up and Ying wore him out...
>>>>>>>>>>> nah.. You started the forging. I'm just following your lead. I've
>>>>>>>>>>> represented your nym well. You should be thanking me. I've
>>>>>>>>>>> b1tchslapped MaxWhore and hoofc*nt into submission and still no
>>>>>>>>>>> thanks from you!
>>>>>>>>>> LOL! Keep dreaming fucktard! ^-^
>>>>>>>>> I[Pedo-k00k babble snipped for fucktardedness]
>>>>>>>> See, I'm telling you guys, this Pet St00pid is just a glutton for
>>>>>>>> punishment!! First TGOOS, KM and Demon Prince tormented the lil
>>>>>>>> fucktard, and wore him down to pussy insults and whining, and then
>>>>>>>> they gave him to me to play with!
>>>>>>> Actually, I *am* the Demon Prince of Absurdity, and have never hidden
>>>>>>> it, since I took on the title in 2000...Kadaitcha Man is Kadaitcha
>>>>>>> Man, however, and has a posting history, under various nyms, dating
>>>>>>> back to the '80s.
>>>>>> So I gave you credit twice - don't you think that, considering the
>>>>>> trouble that lil fucktard has caused you by so pathetically and
>>>>>> desperately humping you leg, that you've earned it????
>>>>> Feh, I like to think of it as a tribute to my ability to smack him
>>>>> around with the cluebat. He's pretty thoroughly dazed by now...
>>>> Well, I'm sincerely glad to hear that - the thought of him being this
>>>> fucktarded *naturally* was just too depressing.
>>>>>> I'd say the lil fucktard's sweet on you, but I don't want to give you
>>>>>> nightmares.
>>>>>> *shudder*
>>>>> Groggy. Very groggy. Severe head injuries, don'tchaknow. I may have
>>>>> overused the 'bat.
>>>> Do you think it could be a variant of "Stockholm Syndrome?"
>>>>>>>> Thanks, guys! : )
>>>>>>> Hey, no prob.
>>>>>> I will, one day, return your generosity. : )
>>>>> Oh, think nothing of it! We co-own him anyway, and rent him out to
>>>>> Ying. I'm still quite shocked that Ying has managed to find someone
>>>>> with flaming/trolling skillz inferior to his own, honestly. I mean, he
>>>>> -- Ying Guo -- ran away from /Fred/.
>>>>>>>> Aw, shit. Porchy shit on the floor again. Bad St00pid, bad!
>>>>>>> Well, k00ks can't learn, you know.
>>>>>> *sigh*
>>>>>> I know, but I had such high hopes that this one was a trainable.
>>>>> Best get those newspapers laid down, before he stains the carpet...
>>>> *sigh*
>>>> He already has . . . I've got flooring people coming in to rubberize
>>>> the floor in his closet.
>>>>>>>> Now post AGAIN for my amusement! : )
>>>>>>>> *pats porchy on his lil deformed head* Thatta boy, post again! : )
>>>>>>> Oh, he's a posting _machine_.
>>>>>> I love the "your reverse psychology doesn't work" bit he spewed a
>>>>>> couple of posts back - he IS posting and I AM having fun with the
>>>>>> brainless rat fart. : )
>>>>> Various kooksigns he's shown, from Teh Way Of Teh K00k:
>>>>> Never learn from your mistakes.
>>>>> Always practice your mistakes; you may get them right. Always pick on
>>>>> those smarter and tougher than you. When in doubt: Order the Crab Won
>>>>> Ton Plagiarism is your friend. Use it.
>>>>> Whenever contradicted; morph, start calling people names, and make
>>>>> false accusations. Include the children of your target in your
>>>>> allegations, even if they don't have any.
>>>>> Never forget to call kookologists "k00ks." If there are several, call
>>>>> them "sockpuppets" too Be vigilant in your redundancy. The more you
>>>>> repeat yourself, the more likely others will believe you!
>>>>> Always remain clueproof.
>>>>> Incoherency is not a roadblock to poasting. Neither is illiteracy.
>>>>> Delusions poasted often enough become fact. Find your Lame, Use your
>>>>> Lame, Be your Lame! Post Edit when the TRVTH hurts.
>>>>> If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. Anybody who
>>>>> fails to understand this is engaged in a deliberate campaign of
>>>>> misinformation and character assassination. When spanked, always
>>>>> retreat to the safety of the Ad Hominem. When spanked mercilessly for
>>>>> days on end, proving with each poast just what an illiterate and
>>>>> ignorant fool you are, ALWAYS claim ownership of [person(s),froup(s)].
>>>>> This works on so many levels. It inspires dread in your opponents that
>>>>> they will no longer be able to poast in their home froup and that they
>>>>> will eventually have to pay rent, to name just two. If you respond to
>>>>> every post someone else makes, they're obsessed. If they respond to
>>>>> less than 1% of your posts, they're even more obsessed. Yelling in all
>>>>> caps and cursing at your detractors is debate. Your detractors laughing
>>>>> at you with sarcastic remarks is obvious anger and jealousy.
>>>>> If doing something results in the loss of your account, legal hassles,
>>>>> or blunt trauma injury, do it again. It always works better the second
>>>>> time.
>>>> [MaxWhore discharges something awful from his tw@t then faints]
>>> MaxC*nt meet mr. soap and Ms. water.. B1tch don't run away
>>>>> He hasn't done this one yet, but it would fit his pattern:
>>>>> Publishing people's real names, addresses, and phone numbers when
>>>>> there's no other way for you to come out of a flamewar with any dignity
>>>>> is cool, and proves that you are a master of secret internet
>>>>> information stores, and absolutely not to be fucked with.
>>>> [MaxWhore diseased c*nt ramblings deleted]
>>> Douche, B1tch, douche. And stop whining about being dumped c*nt. No man
>>> wants to date you they just want to pump and dump your whore as$
>>>>>> How long do you think I can keep the lil *FARK posting?
>>>>>> * Fucktarded Ass Rimming K00k
>>>>> Oh, I'd imagine all year, at least.
>>>> [maxWhore spreading her buttcheeks again for homeless dude]
>>> This b1tch is so filthy that even sanitation workers won't go near her and
>>> her filthy sn@tch.
>> You chose the wrong nym, Monkey-man. It shouldn't have been
>> "PorchMonkey4Life", but "FelchMonkey4Life", with "GerbilStuffer4Life" in
>> the Reply-to line. Your projections of those things onto others makes it
>> clear you're into them yourself.
Translation: "I laugh at your lame joke butyou;ve got to come up with
better material. We're both getting slaughtered here"



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