Posted by Toby Inkster on 01/21/07 13:50
Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> | # error Line 29 column 22: document type does not allow element
> | "STYLE" here.
> |
> | <style type="text/css">
> |
> | # Error Line 153 column 60: document type does not allow element
> | "LINK" here.
> |
> | <link rel="stylesheet" href="/Nice_Title_Main/nicetitle.css">
> |
> |
> | # Error Line 300 column 6: end tag for element "HEAD" which is not
> | open.
> |
> | </HEAD>
These sorts of errors usually mean that the BODY element has started
before you thought it would. Now, you might think, "but my <body> tag is
further down the page!", but the thing is, that the <body> start tag is
optional -- the validator assumes that the BODY element has started as
soon as it sees something that should be in the BODY.
In your case, it is caused by this:
<link rel="pavatar" href="http://schestowitz.com/roy.png" />
Which (as you're using HTML, not XHTML) is shorthand for this:
<link rel="pavatar" href="http://schestowitz.com/roy.png" >>
Note the > entity after the LINK element? This is some body text, so
the validator starts the BODY element here. As the BODY has started, the
HEAD element is implied to have finished (because a HEAD element can't
*contain* a BODY element!), which means that your STYLE element is invalid
(STYLE elements muct be contained within the HEAD), your stylesheet LINK
element is invalid (LINK elements must also be within the HEAD) and your
</head> tag is invalid (because the HEAD has already closed!)
That answer your question?
Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Contact Me ~ http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
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