Posted by Floortje on 01/22/07 18:21
Floortje schreef:
> Ruben van Engelenburg schreef:
>> marce1972 wrote:
>>> Do I rite this on my php code as you wrote it?
>>> $nom=$_POST['numero'];
>>> $sql="DELETE FROM canciones WHERE idcancion='$nom';";
>>> mysql_query($sql) or die ("problema con borrado");
>>> $arch=$_POST['ref'];
>>> @unlink($arch);
>>> Is this correct
>>> Thanks I'll download the other option webdav too to see if it works
>> No, as Arjen already pointed out: check the input. This means you
>> should check the value of $_POST['ref'], because if you don't the user
>> will be able to delete any file the webserver has writing rights to.
> One way to do it:
> check if page is listed in the db
> $sql = "SELECT id,page FROM $table WHERE id = '".intval($_POST['id'])."'";
> if that query gives one result then execute your code
And I mean execute your code with the results from the query :-) not
from the user input.
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