Posted by Plamen Ratchev on 01/23/07 17:20
What you need is table pivoting (normally done best in reporting tools). If
you have to do it in SQL, here are a couple options:
SQL Server 2005 only (using the PIVOT table operator, you can look it up in
SQL Server 2005 BOL):
SELECT M1.Region, M1.County, M1.Year,
SUM([Jan]) AS [Jan],
SUM([Feb]) AS [Feb],
SUM([Mar]) AS [Mar],
SUM([Apr]) AS [Apr],
SUM([May]) AS [May],
SUM([Jun]) AS [Jun],
SUM([Jul]) AS [Jul],
SUM([Aug]) AS [Aug],
SUM([Sep]) AS [Sep],
SUM([Oct]) AS [Oct],
SUM([Nov]) AS [Nov],
SUM([Dec]) AS [Dec]
FROM MyTable AS M1
INNER JOIN (SELECT Region, County, Year, Value, Month
FROM MyTable) AS M2
PIVOT ( SUM(Value) FOR Month IN ([Jan],
[Feb], [Mar], [Apr], [May], [Jun], [Jul], [Aug], [Sep], [Oct], [Nov],
[Dec])) AS M3
ON M1.Region = M3.Region AND M1.County = M3.County AND
M1.Year = M3.Year
GROUP BY M1.Region, M1.County, M1.Year
SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005:
SELECT Region, County, Year,
SUM(case when Month = 'Jan' then Value else 0 end) AS [Jan],
SUM(case when Month = 'Feb' then Value else 0 end) AS [Feb],
SUM(case when Month = 'Mar' then Value else 0 end) AS [Mar],
SUM(case when Month = 'Apr' then Value else 0 end) AS [Apr],
SUM(case when Month = 'May' then Value else 0 end) AS [May],
SUM(case when Month = 'Jun' then Value else 0 end) AS [Jun],
SUM(case when Month = 'Jul' then Value else 0 end) AS [Jul],
SUM(case when Month = 'Aug' then Value else 0 end) AS [Aug],
SUM(case when Month = 'Sep' then Value else 0 end) AS [Sep],
SUM(case when Month = 'Oct' then Value else 0 end) AS [Oct],
SUM(case when Month = 'Nov' then Value else 0 end) AS [Nov],
SUM(case when Month = 'Dec' then Value else 0 end) AS [Dec]
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY Region, County, Year
In both cases you have to replace the Jan, Feb, etc. with the correct
spelling of the months in your database.
Plamen Ratchev
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