Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 01/25/07 00:47
William Hughes wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Jan 2007 13:14:39 -0700, in alt.html Jim Moe
> <jmm-list.AXSPAMGN@sohnen-moe.com> wrote:
>> Although less of
>> an issue these days, there are still a lot of people with 10KB/sec
>> (56Kbit/sec) dialup connections. These means that the page would load in
>> about 5 seconds, assuming no other large documents like images.
> Luddites. :)
Luddites, absolutely not! Some of are in the Internet 3rd-World called
the USA where broadband is absolutely *not* available. Only option here
aside of dialup is satellite that is only recently drop from a stunning
$900 setup fee to $500 and a near $80 per month subscription's and
that's asymmetrical, upload speeds and not that impressive!
BTW I have a fairly good dialup and and an excellent USR V-Everything
modem and at 44-48K connections only produces max 5.x Kb/sec transfers.
Highly doubt anyone could get 10Kb/sec!
Take care,
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