Posted by Rik on 01/26/07 12:04
On Fri, 26 Jan 2007 12:54:01 +0100, Curtis <dyer85@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 25, 11:04 am, "Cord-Heinrich Pahlmann" <S...@Heineken2000.de>
> wrote:
>> I have a little script which takes around 10 seconds execution time.
>> In those 10 seconds the script does a lot of mysql_queries and changes
>> some data.
>> If the script stops after 5 seconds and restarts it will mess up my
>> data.
We've got a setting to ignore an abort:
>> But it seems if php goes through the code and executes all the
>> mysql-queries after it is finished (after the 10 seconds).
>> So my question is, when does php executes the mysql-queries?
> Once the client sends the request, the PHP is parsed by a running php
> process (i.e. cgi or apache module). PHP's database wrappers
> communicate with the database and handle the data.
> It sounds like there could be a problem with your configuration or
> code. This is probably the wrong avenue to explore to find a solution
> to your problem.
Yup, unless you're using some weird code I'd say PHP executes queries on
executing. mysql_unbuffered_query can lead to some funky results sometimes
Rik Wasmus
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