Posted by Schmidty on 01/26/07 19:41
A quick follow up question to this posting;
Do I need to use AJAX for this to work? After going over this a few
times here is a simple step-by-step flow of the program;
1. When a user checks a checkbox list of data in database the form
button reloads the page.
2. The PHP script will use an 'if' statement with
'isset($_POST['updatedb'])' and determine the outcome of the
$_POST['data'] in the form. If it is true then it will execute a
function to update the data in the db.
3. In the html the action will execute a $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] and
reload the page.
The only problem with this whole scenario is that the html is reloading
the page and then the PHP parser runs the 'if' statement. I think this
is what is happening? Anyone have any suggestions?
On Jan 26, 9:42 am, "Schmidty" <schmi...@baronholding.com> wrote:
> Okay...I have another 'newbie' question;
> I have a function that loads a page and the action is
> In the form that is in a function(method?) within a class a variable
> is passed back to a mysqli connection and database and updates the
> database.
> The problem is that when the page is reloaded it does not show the
> updated information in the database with the $_SERVER['HTTP_SELF']. Why
> is the page loaded with the same information? Is it cached from the
> browser? Is there a way to have the functions execute before the
> $_SERVER['HTTP_SELF'] action executes?
> Example code ======================================
> // Show info of users not updated
> echo "<form action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' method='post'><table
> style=\"font: 14px solid #000000; border: 2px solid #CCC000;\">";
> echo "<tr><td colspan='2' style=\"background: #C0C0C5; text-align:
> center; font: 18px solid #000000;\">Credit Card
> Applications</td></tr>";
> echo "<tr><td colspan='2' style=\"background: #FFFFE0; text-align:
> left; font: 12px solid #000000;\">New Applications In Database Needing
> Approval:</td></tr>";
> echo "<tr><tr><td colspan='2' style=\"border: 2px solid #000000;
> width: 100%;\">";
> if ($result->num_rows == 0) {echo "NO NEW APPLICATIONS<br />";}
> while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
> echo "<input type='checkbox' name='perinfo[]'
> value='".$row['userID']."' >".$row['userID']." : ".$row['username']." -
> ".$row['recdate']."<br />";
> } // end while
> echo "</td></tr><tr>";
> echo "<td align=\"center\"><input style=\"font: 10px solid
> #000000;\" type=\"submit\" value=\"UPDATE INFO\" name='updatedb'
> /></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><input type=\"reset\"
> style=\"font: 10px solid #000000;\" value=\"RESET CHOICES\"
> /></td></tr></form></table>";
> $result->free();
> } // end function
> public function dbConnect(){
> include('dbconn.php');
> $mysqli = new mysqli($dbnet, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
> if (mysqli_connect_errno()){ printf("Can't connect to MySQL Server.
> Errorcode: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
> exit;
> } // end if
> return $this->mysqli=$mysqli;
> } // end function
> End Example Code ===================================================
> Thanks for the help!
> Schmidty
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