Posted by windandwaves on 06/27/05 03:18
Els wrote:
> windandwaves wrote:
>> Hi Folk
>> I am trying to do the following:
>> <div id="d1" style='width: 215px; height: 117px; float: left;'>
>> ....
>> </div>
>> <div id="logo" style='width: ????; height: 117px; float: right;'>
>> <img src="i/logo.gif" alt="[...]" title="[..]">
>> </div>
>> whereby I want ???? to be something so that, at any screen-width,
>> the cell fills the entire screen.
>> In a table I would do
>> ...
>> <TABLE WIDTH="100%">
>> <TD width="10"></TD>
>> <TD>..</TD>
>> </TABLE>
>> but how do I resolve this with DIVs?
> Instead of setting a width to the second div, you give it a left
> margin of 215px to accommodate the first div. No need to float it
> right.
Hoi Els
At first, I did not believe you, but then I tried it and it worked like
MAGIC. thank you so much, it showed me that I still do not fully understand
float, but I understand it a lot better now!
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