Posted by Dave on 01/27/07 12:06
mvandenb@gmail.com wrote:
> Um... people like you scare us. You sound like you have little
> experience making web pages, little experience programing or if you do
> it is something like vb and no mater what you say you really do not
> know what you are talking about.
> But I could be wrong, i am often, and this could just for fun. Then I
> would recommend this book: PHP and MySQL Web Development
> http://amazon.com/s/ref=sr_pg_3/102-0195905-9175304?ie=UTF8&keywords=php&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aphp&page=3
> That book will work and covers most of what you are looking for and
> would be an excellent start if A) you know how to program and B) you
> know and have experience how to build a database
> If ether of those two are a no then um....
> I can't help you and should start with one of the learn in 24 hour
> books and talk to someone who has done this.
> Good Luck
> Matthew
Hehe...be afraid....!!
I understand your concern, and I am aware of the complexities and
realise this is no small task.
Thanks for the link, I will check it out.
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