Posted by Rik on 01/28/07 18:47
Tony Marston <tony@NOSPAM.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:wfKdnTa_dtSiNSHYnZ2dnUVZ_vXinZ2d@comcast.com...
>> Tony Marston wrote:
>>> "Paul Lautman" <paul.lautman@btinternet.com> wrote in message
>>> news:51v4v1F1k55ftU1@mid.individual.net...
>>>> Tony Marston wrote:
>>>>> You will always use $_POST when sending
>>>>> data from the client to the server,
>>>> Except when you use $_GET or $_REQUEST
>>> Wrong. $_GET is used to request data FROM the server, while $_POST i=
>>> used to send data TO the server.
>> No, Tony. $_GET is used to fetch information from the query string. =
>> This
>> can be from several sources - including <form action=3Dget...>. But =
>> is always used on the server, and the data always comes from the =
>> browser.
> I disagree. The GET method is used to fetch data from the server and =
> send it
> to the client. The POST method is use to send data from the client to =
> server. The GET method is bookmark-able, whereas the POST method is no=
> This is the correct way as it is not good practice to bookmark a URL =
> which
> updates the server.
In both cases data is sent to the server. However, GET should only be us=
ed =
to retrieve (specific) data, POST can be used to alter(add/delete/edit) =
data. That's what was meant I'd say.
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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