Posted by Joachim Mζland on 01/28/07 21:26
On Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:20:25 -0800, Cord-Heinrich Pahlmann wrote:
> But with file(httpS://externpage); i get an error.
What kind of error...?
What OS and webserver is the remote site running?
What OS, PHP version and webserver is your local site running?
> The script is running under http://, so that is probably the problem
> since http can't send to https (right?).
No..! HTTP/HTTPS is a question of unencrypted or encrypted communication
between PHP running the script with the file() function and the remote
site. How you invoked the script is not an issue.
> Thx, for any suggestions.
Ditto, for anything resembling a clue of what you're experiencing... ;-)
Regards/mvh Joachim Mæland
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-Mario Andretti.
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