Posted by Jim Carlock on 01/29/07 13:01
$aThePosts = array_change_key_case($_POST, CASE_LOWER);
define("CONTACT_IS_LOCAL", 0);
define("CONTACT_IS_REMOTE", 1);
/* $aWho contains an array of arrays (contact details)
* array(
* array(0, CONTACT_IS_LOCAL, "My Local Contact",
* "123 Any Street", "Suite 123",
* "Phoenix", STATE_ARIZONA, "01234-5678",
* array(800, "867-5309", "867-5309",
* "1-800-000-0000", "867-5309"),
* "www.example.com"),
* array(1, CONTACT_IS_REMOTE, ...
function WhichContact() {
global $aThePosts, $aWho;
if (isset($aThePosts['idWho'])) {
$iWhich = $aThePosts['idWho'];
$iWhichCheck = $aWho[$iWhich][0];
if ($iWhichCheck == $iWhich) {
I'm running into some strange problems. Sometimes,
$aWho[$iWhich][0] turns into the index number I expect,
and sometimes it returns "array[0]".
For instance, when I insert the following code after a call
to the above.
$iWho = WhichContact();
echo("<p class=\"pc\">$iWho</p>\n");
echo("<p class=\"pc\">" . $aWho[$iWho][0] . "</p>\n");
echo("<p class=\"pc\">$aWho[$iWho][0]</p>\n");
Inside the quotes, $aWho[$iWho] turns into "array" and
the string "[0]" gets added to it. Outside of the quotes
it returns the number I expect to get back.
But then when using that inside the function to verify
that a POST variable actually matches up with the index
of the client, the comparisons fail to match.
PHP 5.2.0 (cli) (built: Nov 2 2006 11:57:36)
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Zend Technologies
Is there a way to check the internal storage type of any
particular variable?
The POST variable is a value from an HTML
<form action="./" method="POST">
<select name="idWho">
<option value="0">Local Contact</option>
<option value="1">Remote Contact</option>
Jim Carlock
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