Posted by Mani on 01/29/07 13:51
I am trying to post the values to the form. The form action is not
done in html i.e not in form tag, it is done by javascript code using
document.FORMNAME.action = "results.asp";
I think in that results.asp file, they are creating one xml file for
the posted values and these xml file has been redirected to some other
asp file. for ex, displayresults.asp to show the results.
My actual flow is...
I am searching some "example" content in http://example.com/
example.asp and i am getting answers for the searched "example" in
http://example.com/displayresults.asp. Before getting the answer in
the page, i can see http://example.com/example.asp redirecting to
http://example.com/results.asp and then finally getting answer in
I tried to achieve/get the content by posting the values through CURL,
but i didnt get the content. When i echoed the content i can see that
my posted values has been passed/set perfectly. I have doubt on
javascript action....not sure only because of this action.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER , 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
I dont know whether i have to set the redirection param or something
Can anyone please teach me how to proceed with this?
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