Posted by lawrence k on 01/30/07 00:59
On Jan 29, 6:18 pm, "lawrence k" <lkrub...@geocities.com> wrote:
> I've a file that starts like this:
> <form id="pdsForm" method="post" action="/mcControlPanel.php"
> class="mcForm" charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
> and it contains this input:
> <input id="biopic" name="biopic" type="file" />
> The script recieving it does this:
> $biopic = $this->core->getVar("biopic");
> if (is_array($biopic)) {
> print_r($biopic);
> I get:
> Array ( [name] => L-monkeySmall.jpg [type] => [tmp_name] => [error] =>
> 3 [size] => 0 )
> Error 3 is "Array ( [name] => L-monkeySmall.jpg [type] => [tmp_name]
> => [error] => 3 [size] => 0 )". As you can see, 0 kilobytes were
> uploaded.
> What should I look for? I've been looking on the web for awhile and so
> far I've found little useful information about what Error 3 typically
> indicates.
Worrisome. Poking around and trying to figure this one out myself, I
used phpinfo(). I see this line:
upload_tmp_dir no value no value
What does it mean upload_tmp_dir "no value"? Is that normal?
This is on one of those virtual hosted shared environement $25 a month
type accounts, so I can ssh to the server and chance the php.ini.
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